Your mission

God created us for a reason and that reason is to fulfill our mission that God wants us to accomplish. Before you were born, God had already known how your life would be like and the talents you had to exploit for the sake of others. The Bible says; “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”.  

The mission that God has given us is a continuation of Jesus’ mission on earth. As his followers, we should continue with Jesus’ doings. Working with God comes with a lot of responsibilities and it is a privilege too. We should use the opportunity God has given us in order to spread his word to people who have no idea of what the Kingdom of God entails. 

You should tell other people that they can have eternal life only if they hold onto God’s word. They should know that having eternal life is the greatest thing they can have. Heaven is the only place you can find such privileges and without God, you cannot go anywhere. 

If your neighbor has an incurable illness like AIDS or cancer and maybe you that it is curable. It would be terrible if you failed to inform him or her about that. You should treat everyone with love and respect because it is what God does.

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