Heal Your Broken Ways

Has your heart ever been broken before? Have you ever felt like the world was coming to an end and didn't know where to start? In such a situation, did it come to a point of giving up in life and blaming God for your situations. Well, I bet each and every one of us have been through that.

Let me tell you a real life story of mine. I have been through a lot in life for a long time. I didn't know what was happening because every thing that i did was wrong. It felt like God was punishing me for my sins and yes I deserved it in a way or another.

I was in campus when I met my ex-boyfriend. I was still not a born-again Christian. We used to go party, have drinks, lots of sex and I felt as if this was what I wanted in life not knowing that I was digging up my own grave. While in our drinking spree, my ex started a fight and I was there helping him get his own revenge. It was his Friend Alan, they were now enemies. The fight became uglier every minute but I had to do something. I hit Alan with a beer bottle and he collapsed on the spot. He was bleeding.

The owner of the bar reported the matter to the police and got us arrested. Even though my ex was bailed out, my parents were far from home, my friends too weren't willing to help. When my ex Mat was bailed out he promised to help me get out and you know what, I believed him. I stayed there for a week until one of my aunties was informed of my arrest. She came to my rescue. When I got out, I was shocked to see Mat with another chic, I was so heartbroken but I kept my cool and broke up with him. From that time I vowed to myself to never drink again and be a good girl from then on.

I visited a nearby church one Sunday and got saved. I am very happy today, I got married last month as we speak to a wonderful and loving husband.

I want to encourage you today that God is up there watching, he will never let you fall. He will always lead you to the right path when you go astray. Trust in him. You won't regret it!

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